P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy offers a range of opportunities for aspiring basketball players of all ages and skill levels, from youth players eager to learn the game to professionals seeking a platform to showcase their talent. With a proven track record spanning 25 years and an alumni network that includes hundreds of collegiate, professional, and national team players, we are committed to developing the next generation of basketball talent.
Our programs are open to both local and international players of all nationalities who are looking to use our Jamaican basketball platform to achieve their dreams of becoming collegiate athletes, national team members, or professional players. With an international and local schedule designed to maximize skill development and exposure, we provide access to a vast network of prep school, college, and professional scouts and coaches. At P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy, your pathway to success in basketball begins here!
Basketball Skill Development - Athletic Training - Coaches Curriculum - Combines, Exposure
Basketball participation rates are increasing globally and along with it, the opportunities to create a better life for an individual's family, community, and country. However, for many basketball organizations and leaders, the challenge of accessing the necessary resources to train, develop and promote the game in their communities is limited. That is why P.H.A.S.E. 1 has embarked on a Global Basketball Mission with the goal of working with basketball leaders in Africa and the Caribbean to establish P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academies.


The name of our company reflects our vision; to help people maximize their "P-otential", unlock the passion in their "H-eart", develop a confident "A-ttitude" and learn "S-kils" to assist them on their Journey of an "Elite 1".
Our mission is to create programs that facilitate and inspire everyone to pursue their life goals as an Elite 1.
The name P.H.A.S.E. 1 reflects our vision; to help people maximize their "P-otential", unlock the passion in their "H-eart", develop a confident "A-ttitude" and learn "S-kils" to assist them on their Journey of an "Elite 1".
Elite 1 - /əˈlēt/1/ - Noun
- an individual that sets and pursues goals, defying all obstacles along the way:
ie. "Journey of an Elite 1" "I Am An Elite 1"
P.H.A.S.E.1 has over 25 years of experience in organizing and hosting leagues, tournaments and events that have contributed substantially to the growth of the youth sports industry worldwide.
The word "elite" is used to describe a group of people at the top of their chosen profession (Tiger Woods, Tom Brady, Lebron James, Serena Williams, Jeff Bezos...). We view them as arriving at the end of their journey, living a healthy, energetic and fun lifestyle, but the journey for them is ongoing.
Although grouped together as arriving to elite status, these individuals have been on a singular journey as Elite 1’s overcoming unique obstacles, while relentlessly pursuing their goals. Their journey started inside of them and whether it was with mom, dad, a coach or mentor assisting through the challenges, as Elite 1’s they chose to stay the course. Therefore the Journey of an Elite 1 is possible regardless of our age, gender, race or economic status because we all possess the ability to choose to set the first goal.
"An Elite 1 embraces the challenge of reaching a goal, understanding that each milestone builds perseverance and equips them to accomplish greater goals." - Wayne Dawkins