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P.H.A.S.E. 1 Youth Basketball League 2024/2025 sponsored by Tari Eason Basketball and Bulwark Insurance Agency is an inclusive program designed to provide opportunities for Jamaican youth to participate in basketball across all Parishes. This comprehensive document outlines the league's mission, vision, structure, rules, and key features, aiming to foster talent development and create growth pathways for players, coaches, and referees throughout Jamaica.

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Mission and Vision


To create an inclusive basketball league for Jamaican youth, especially those without school teams, providing opportunities for players, coaches, and referees to grow across all Parishes.


To make basketball accessible to all Jamaican youth, fostering a national culture that develops talent and creates growth pathways for players, coaches, and referees across every Parish.

League Structure

  • 2 Leagues: Gold and Platinum

  • 2 Gold Conferences: Montego Bay and Kingston

  • 2 Gold League age divisions U16 and U21

  • Gold League - open to all registered participants

  • Platinum League - top players regardless of age, selected by coaches and directors

  • Open to local and international players (see roster and playoff eligibility)

  • Competition Dates Gold Division 2 Sundays a month/ Platinum Division 1 Sunday Month

  • October 27 - Registration and draft for the Gold Division

  • November 10 - Practice matches and team trades

  • November 24 - Official Gold League opener

  • December 1 - Official Platinum League opener

  • March 2025 - Gold and Platinum Championships

Gold League Structure

  • U16 - 3 Teams/ 8 Player - 10 Players

  • U21 - 3 Teams/ 8 Players - 10 Players

  • Each team will carry a maximum of 10 players plus one guest spot twice for 1 player, after which he is ineligible to play. He may fill in for an injured or suspended player. 

  • Each team has 16 games

  • 8 Regular Season Sundays - 2 games per team

  • 1 Playoff/Championship Sunday

Gold Regions 

  • 6 Montego Bay Teams U21, U16

  • 6 Kingston Teams U21, U16

Platinum League Structure

  • 4 Regional Teams 

  • Each team 8 games 4 Sundays

  • Top 48 Gold players age 14-21 - Platinum December 1 - In 4 regions as selected by coaches and directors

  • 1 Playoff Sunday

  • Championship March

Platinum Regions

  • Team Kingston Storms - (Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherines, St. Thomas, Portland) 

  • Team Manchester Horizons - (Manchester, Clarendon, St. Elizabeth)

  • Team St. James Waves - (St. James, Hanover, Westmoreland) 

  • Team Trelawny Rivers - (Trelawny, St. Ann, St. Mary)

League Conferences 

Jamaican Gold League

Montego Bay - Gold Conference



  1. Swagger

  2. Titans

  3. Buckets


  1. Swagger

  2. Titans

  3. Buckets

Coaches -  U16 and U21

Team Buckets: Head Coach Lamar Dixon 

Team Swagger: Head Coach Marlon McLean 

Team Titans: Head Coach Rohon Ferguson 

Referees: Dave Black, Andre Hayes 

Media Coordinator:  Kamau Dennis

Score Table: Volunteers

Trainer/Therapist: (GC Foster Student)

Kingston - Gold Conference



  1. Reapers

  2. Bolts

  3. Dreamers


  1. Reapers

  2. Bolts

  3. Dreamers

Coaches -  U16 and U21

Team Dreamers: Head Coach Mike Kirlew 

Team Bolts: Head Coach Trevor Lewinson 

Team Reapers: Head Coach Andrew Brown

Referees: Douglas Reid, Rodney Palmer

Media Coordinator: Javan Sutherland

Score Table: Volunteers

Trainer/Therapist : (GC Foster Student)

Bulwark Platinum League


Boys age 14-21

  1. Manchester Horizons, Coach Mike Kirlew

  2. Kingston Storm, Coach Wayne Dawkins

  3. Tewlawny Rivers, Coach Lamar Dixon

  4. St. James Waves, Coach Dave Black

Referees: Douglas Reid, Rodney Palmer, Andre Hayes 

Media Coordinator:  Kamau Dennis, Javan Sutherland

Score Table: Volunteers

Trainer/Therapist: (GC Foster Student)

League Coordinators

© Copyright 

P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy

Whatsapp: 480-235-9954 or Jamaica 876-289-3912


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